Account Terms & Conditions
We have recently reviewed account terms for our trade customers and we would like to draw your attention to our new payment terms and conditions.
Payment of your account is due by the 20th of the month following that in which the goods are delivered. For all payments not received a 3% interest charge will be added onto the next month’s account.
Our preferred method of payment is by BACS to the following account:
Bankers Lloyds Bank
Address 205 Salts Road, Walton Highway, Norfolk, PE14 7EB, United Kingdom
Sort Code 30-99-77
Account number 23422260
Remittance to
Perhaps you would be kind enough to ensure our Bank receives payment on the due date, i.e. 20th of the month following the date of invoice.
May we take this opportunity to also advise you of trading terms & conditions which are enclosed.